The Offshore Voyaging Reference Site

Download Cruising Sailboat Rig Checklist

After five in-depth inspection articles, we here’s the rig checklist, which is ready for download (below), to pull it all together.


We tried several options, but an Excel spreadsheet provides the most flexibility, allowing you to modify the list to fit your own needs. For example, columns can be easily added for stuff like notes and the date the check was last performed.

Of course, Excel is anything but inexpensive, but the good news is that you can also upload the checklist to Google Sheets, which is free. There are also other free alternatives.

We are also providing it as a PDF for those of you who just don’t want to mess around with spreadsheets—just print the PDF and use one of those cool high-tech graphite and cellulose-based mark-up devices.

Thank You

A big thank you to those members who filled in blanks in my experience. I have given credit and linked the list item to their comment.


We will update the list and parent articles with the additions and improvements that arise as you use it in the real world.

Please make suggestions for improvement’s or adding items on the parent article linked to that item.


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  46. Cruising Sailboat Roller Furler and Track Inspection
  47. Download Cruising Sailboat Rig Checklist
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Rob Gill

Thanks John,

Just uploaded the workbook into Mac Numbers without issue where it will become a checklist in our maintenance log.

This is way more comprehensive than my own general worksheet, so I look forward to adding other worksheets in due course. Really well done.

One thing…in the Leisurefurl section of the worksheet you recommend – “Flush and wash mandrel and coat with MacLube Sailcoat or PTEF lubricant…”.

I can’t see why anyone would coat the mandrel with MacLube. I think you may have misread my comment about regular flushing of the mandrel with fresh water, and coating the luff tape with MacLube. The two tasks should have been in two sentences in my comment, for more clarity.

Mitchell Allen

Thank you John and Phyllis,

This is an incredible resource! This is my first ever comment, I want to say what a help so many of your articles have been. I am preparing our “New to us” boat, Sonata, to head out the Golden Gate to blue water. Hopefully later this year.

This check list is so comprehensive and covers so much more
than I would have thought to look for.

Thank you,
Mitchell Allen
sv Sonata
San Francisco Bay