After four…count ’em, four…in-depth rig inspection articles:
We are now on the fifth and final before the downloadable checklist.
Seems crazy that it took that much detailed writing to get here. I figured two in-depth articles, three tops, would cover it. But now we are nearly done, I realize it actually makes sense that this was such a big task.
The rig is one of the big five things that really matter when we go offshore, and the one with the most details to get right, and keep right.
And the rig is also, more than any other system, the one where the failure of just one piece, perhaps just a toggle, can have the most disastrous and hardest-to-fix consequences—there’s no fixing a dismasting at sea.
It’s worth the effort to inspect this stuff right…and write 14,000 words about it. Or, at least it feels that way…now I’m done.
Let’s get it finished: