The Offshore Voyaging Reference Site

Rig Tuning, Part 5—Sailing Tune

To recap, in Parts 1 to 4 we:

  • Centred the rig athwartships—Part 1.
  • Set the rake—Part 3.
  • Set the prebend—Part 3.
  • Chocked the mast at the partners (keel stepped only)—Part 4.
  • Set the backstay/forestay to sailing tension—Part 4.

Now it’s finally time to go sailing and finish our tuning job. The good news is that, because we did such a great job before sailing and really understood what we were doing instead of just guessing or following a bunch of rules of thumb, this part is going to be easy, rather than the perplexing struggle that the sailing tune can degenerate into if the basics are not right.

In fact, all we need to do is:

  • Tighten the shrouds to sailing tension
  • Straighten the mast in the athwartship plane while sailing.

Easy-peasy, and should not take more than a couple of hours.

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Reed Erskine

You didn’t address mast “pumping”, which is a problem that occurs with the springy masts of some race/cruisers. What does it indicate, and how to deal with it?

A good observation position for mast performance under challenging conditions (i.e. plus/minus 20 kts) is beneath the V berth hatch, which, on many boats is positioned in a way that affords a comfortably dry and stable observer a perfectly centered view of mast and shrouds to check dynamic tuning
Reed Erskine s/v Cayenne

Marc Dacey

John, we have running backstay tangs on our cutter’s deck-stepped mast (and somewhere in a box are the running backstays), but we’ve yet to install them as we have two fixed backstays to the stern quarters and I haven’t seen the need. We soon will, however, see the need. Do you know of a reference which drills down to the right time and method to use running backs? I’m not seeing a lot of literature on the topic, although I may be posing the search query incorrectly.

Marc Dacey

Thank you for the replies, John. I guess I’ll dig them out and rig them.


Hi John,
Four comments on the topic “rig tuning under sail” (great article by the way)
Forty eight comments on the topic “reducing generator run time.”

Do I sense an expression of priorities here?

Speaking of priorities, I just looked at an owner built Fraser 41* that is the perfect example of what happens when a craftsman designs and builds a boat without sailing across an ocean first.
** Beautiful built-in piano and desk along the stbd. side of the salon.
** Sea berths deleted in favor of artistic curved seating.
** Full length valances along the trunk cabin sides to contain full length curtains for marina privacy.
** Complete absence of handholds inside and out (the builder must have gone to a boat show and copied the work of an Interior Desicrator who designed the interior of a 2018 production sailboat.)
** Transom and companionway sill cutaway to a 2″ high sill leading to the interior

* For those of you who are not Canadian, the Fraser 41 is a design that is similar to a Gen II Valiant 40, rarely has blisters, and good ones often come on the market in the low 50 USD’s. A lot of owner-builds– some great and some ordinary. Poor man’s Adventure 40?


I think there are 60+ Fraser 41’s afloat and voyaging throughout the Pacific.

Jim Evans

Super series, John. Wish I’d known all this thirty years ago – I would have got an unstayed mast sooner!


My mast is 48’ long on a 39’ German Frers Dufour design, with double spreaders, straight. When heeling 20-25 degrees, usually at about 20-22 kn apparent wind (next time I’ll read the true wind!) the masthead is sagging off leeward by about the mast width. This is has worried me for a long time. At some point I even though I needed to increase the cap shroud tension, but what ever testosterone I used, this did not help! So I went back to the more normal firm tension. You seem to think that all things considered equal this is rather a no worries. Do you have any more hint as how much is acceptable? There is almost no literature about this. The best I ever read was « the masthead can go gently leeward ». How much is gently ?

Charles Ethridge

Hi John.

If I initially set all the shrouds to eliminate wow, but then when sailing, set the lee shrouds to “just firm”, won’t that re-introduce a wow on the opposite tack or when not sailing?

Charles Ethridge

I think I see the answer to my own question, but it is non-intuitive (to me at least). I had to re-read Illustrated Sail and Rig Tuning by Ivar Dedekam pages 71-76 where he talks about tuning the rig under sail, and then especially page 78, where he talks about pre-tensioning the cap shrouds and why this is necessary to prevent shock loading the rigging.