A great piece by Charley Doane over at Wavetrain on the folly of carrying jerry jugs of fuel on deck and how to make it unnecessary with smart motor-sailing.
More Long Thin Boats
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I can’t get enough of these long thin boats. I came across this one in the paint shed at Billings Diesel and Marine. Tad Roberts, who designed her, has a very interesting web site.
And here is Matt Marsh’s—who provides great engineering and all around common sense in our comments here at AAC—take on a long thin power boat—looks like great minds think alike to me.
A rough guess would say that both boats can cruise at 7 knots on a little more than half a US gallon an hour. Say 11 to 12 nautical miles per gallon! Or, for our European readers, about 3 nautical miles per liter. Boats for the future, I say.

This is a Hinckley Picnic Boat. I was chatting with a friend on the Hinckley dock at Southwest Harbour, Maine, where we had both cleared customs coming in from Nova Scotia. He gestured at the boat in the picture and said “you know what I call those?…Mooring Bling.” I nearly fell off the dock.
Time to Reef!

The leading edge of a thunderstorm, Stonington Maine. When you see a cloud like this, as they say in the Caribbean, “If you ain’t scared, you ain’t right” (in the head).