The Offshore Voyaging Reference Site
When we plan to head offshore in a cruising boat we need to think carefully and differently about how we equip the boat.
If we cruise for long enough, we will likely run aground. The Adventure 40 will forgive us and have a keel that will withstand the stress of offshore voyaging for decades. This article will be useful to all cruisers, regardless of the boat you plan to buy.
AAC is coming up on 20 years old, so a great time to think about improvements and how to make them happen.
The A40 keel draft and shape will be optimized for great performance when sailing offshore.
The rig checklist is ready for download and links to five articles of in depth inspection tips and advice on fixing the problems you find.
Load dumps on a cruising boat are dangerous. Here’s how to prevent them, including some special tips for “drop in” owners.
Load dumps are an intrinsic danger with lithium batteries installed on cruising boats. Here’s why, and why we need to fix it.
Modern sail-handling system have made offshore sailing safer and easier, but they also demand regular inspection and maintenance.
Offshore sailboat safety regulations call for a soft wood plug to be adjacent to every seacock, but does that make sense?
After years of dreaming, it’s time for the first round of financing so this boat can get built.
At first glance, autopilots and vane gears cost about the same, but the reality is more complicated, and important to get right.
Inspection, repair, and replacement tips for mast navigation lights, wind indicators, and lightning protection systems.
It’s a common misconception that battery-supplied electrical systems are safe because they are low voltage. That’s wrong. In fact, there are high fire risks. Here’s why, and what to do about it.
The Adventure 40 specification for the rudder and steering gear, as well the self steering the boat will be equipped with as standard.
Most production cruising boats are fitted with inadequate DC electrical systems. Let’s fix that.
Inspection, repair tips and replacement cycles for offshore cruising boat running rigging.
The true size of the Adventure 40, her sailing capabilities and the type of cruising she is for, as well as information on the hull and deck construction.
Tips and hacks that will be useful no matter what part of an offshore cruising boat we are maintaining.
The WS500 alternator regulator was a great option for cruisers a year ago. It’s even better now. Here’s why.
Inspection tips and recommended replacement cycles for offshore cruising boat standing rigging, hydraulics, and vangs.
Dismastings are dangerous voyage enders for cruising boats. Doing this inspection of spars, steps and chainplates will reduce the risk substantially.
Simple tips and hacks that will make getting alongside easier, even in current.
John went racing on a big Swan and learned a lot about asymmetrical spinnakers, accompanied by a big piece of humble pie.
A relatively inexpensive testing rig that every boat owner should have and use regularly.
Backing our boats into a confined space is difficult enough normally, but what if we need to do this with current and wind? John explores how to, and when not to.