We have oversize anchors and chain to deal with tough conditions and so require an oversize windlass as well. Though we don’t like the extra weight on the bow, we think it’s worth it to have a reliable, quick way to weigh anchor, especially when a rapid retreat from ice is necessary. Our Ideal Windlass is a truly rugged piece of gear that just keeps on ticking, despite the abuse we hand out to it.
Update: Unfortunately, we did not have a good experience with the company the last time we sent the windlass in for service; in fact, they reassembled the windlass incorrectly and shipped it back to us in that state. However, the company was sold in 2016 and we have not heard anything regarding quality of service since then.
What size is your Ideal Windlass? 5 or 6?
Hi Jim,
I’m pretty sure it’s a 6.
By the way, I do need to say that I was a lot less than happy with the service and attention to detail that we got from Idea Windlass the last time we sent our windlass in for service (2012).
Just an FYI. Ideal Windlass was sold to Schaefer Marine in October of 2016. Here’s the press release link:
Don’t know if this will improve things or not. Only time will tell.
Hi Bruce,
Thanks, I came across that too. Seems like it might be a good development.