Some years ago the International Association of Professional Meteorologists issued a memo to their membership with full-face and profile photographs of me together with the warning:
Avoid this man at all costs. He is a weather groupie and once he knows you are a meteorologist you will have no peace.
Poor Frank Singleton missed the memo and therefore we were able to sneak up on him. He did try to escape, but Phyllis, being younger than both of us, was able to run him down for the tackle, enabling me to slip the handcuffs on, and so Frank is now captive here at Attainable Adventure Cruising World Headquarters, where we feed him in exchange for the meteorology knowledge that I’m going to share with you in this article.
But seriously, when Frank wrote to me after the publication of my last weather article with a very kind email saying that I had got it right, I used that contact as a springboard to ask the poor man a huge number of questions.
You can learn more about Frank over at his excellent web site, but the short version is that he is a retired professional meteorologist with decades of experience at the British Met Office and an offshore sailor—a perfect combination for our purposes.
You should also know that Frank is totally his own man who calls them like he sees them without fear or favour. He is even willing to disagree with me…just imagine!
Here are four great tips I derived from Frank’s shared wisdom for ways that we can make more comfortable and safer voyages: