The Offshore Voyaging Reference Site

Why We Need a Traveler

We increasingly see boats without travellers, but that’s a big performance hit, particularly in light air going to windward where we want the boom on the centreline but the sheet not too tight. To make that happen the traveler car needs to be well to windward of centre.

Check out the nice twist and leach shape that results from this setup.

Much more about deck layout tradeoffs.

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Rich Morrow

And at the other end of the wind spectrum – in gusty conditions it’s so easy to de-power the main by dropping the traveler to leeward. I think the primary objection is that very often the right place for the traveler happens to obstruct the cockpit. So perhaps its a question of priorities – does effectively sailing the boat take precedence? I think it should.

Arne Mogstad

How does a dual mainsheet system work, like on the Boreal? To me (i’ve never tried it), it seems you should be able to get the right sheeting angle and tension by playing with the windward and leeward sheet tension, but less smooth for dropping it in a gust for example, though the vang sheeting could work.

Ee Kiat Goh

Hi John, I am having difficulty identifying the traveler on my boat in order to replace it. Would you know what it might be? This is the link of the photos in facebook. Please copy the link on your browser. Pardon me if the link doesnt work as it is my first time doing this. The link doesnt appear clickable here but it does on my whatapps.. Thank you.*bH-R

Ee Kiat Goh

Thank you John! What do you think of this traveler system ? I am wondering if I should refurbish it or try a new system as I have never tried other system.Thank you.

Ee Kiat Goh

Good advice John, Thank you !