The Offshore Voyaging Reference Site

Neater Webbing Cow Hitches Hack

If we are sewing a loop into a piece of webbing to cow hitch it to something, as is often the case with jacklines, the end result will seat better and be way neater if we sew the loop with a half turn in it as shown below.

More on making your own jacklines and tethers in this Online Book.

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Drew Frye

Also old school sail ties. For the same reason, and because it keeps the eyes open and easier to thread, even when wet.

Stanley H Blakey

A friend taught me this trick for ski pole straps. There you have a buckle you ca unclip and half turn. Same benefits much easier to get on and off quickly with gloves on.

Dick Stevenson

Hi Drew and John,
When I last had sails made, they were delivered with webbing ties sewn without the loop. I asked why as my webbing sail ties had been with a loop for years and I was clear how much easier it was. The sailmaker said that he received too many complaints that, with the loop, the webbing was unable to be rolled up flat. Some things are just more important….
My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy 

Garryck Osborne

Nice! I like it…

Ben Logsdon

That is some good looking stitching!