The Offshore Voyaging Reference Site

Getting The Most From AAC

Having got the new site design built, installed, and pretty much debugged, I finally got to a project that has been on my todo list for ages: a video tour of AAC.

I edited viciously to keep it down to 5 minutes.

It’s mainly targeted at new members and those considering joining, but please have a watch anyway and tell us what you think in a comment.

I’m particularly interested to know if you learned anything new about how to use the site, and if so, what it was.

My thinking is that if you have been a member for a while, but still discover a new feature in the video, it might indicate that said feature is not intuitive enough and needs work.

Here it is:

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pete Running Bear

I think it would be useful if the Table of contents/article list is the first thing you see when you click on a book. (Like a chapter list at the beginning of a real book). Currently if you’re looking for a specific chapter/article you have to click on a random one you don’t want and scroll to the bottom of it in order to access the table of contents.
Notwithstanding that minor inconvenience of an extra click and scroll, your website rocks!

pete Running Bear

Yeah I suppose that is a TOC of sorts. I was thinking about the list of chapters/articles in the big blue box that appears at the bottom of each article, that would be a useful thing to see when you click on the book cover. Sometimes I use a phone, sometimes a computer. The big detailed TOC you have now just takes a bit longer to find the thing you need, less of an issue on a computer than a phone I think.

pete Running Bear

Sounds a bit like boats.. everything is a compromise

Dick Stevenson

Hi John, I found thee audio a little wonky at times: like there was a loop over-dubbed. It was still understandable. Dick

Ben Logsdon

The video was concise and informative. Overall, I appreciate the continuity of formatting throughout all the articles and tips—all are very well edited and have a distinct clean modern format.

I typically view on a mobile phone but sometimes a desktop. Feels seamless going between the two.

I’ve never read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page before today. After reading that, I’m never going to leave port again!

Tim Sowerby

John: I receive the weekly digest e-mails. When I click on the link for the article I want to read, the article opens, but to complete reading it, I have to get past the pay wall – perfectly appropriate. However, after logging in, instead of going to the article I was reading I end up on a different page and have to search for the article. Not a huge deal, but irritating. Is it possible to fix this?

Jesse Falsone

I’m sure this has been mentioned somewhere, but what I have difficulty with is remembering what topics I’ve commented on so I can go back to see the responses. As a new but active member, I often comment on very old threads. When I move on to a new thread (and invariably make a comment), I’ve lost my place. It would be helpful if you could search the site for your name and have all comments pop up.