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Nothing on this website or in direct communications received from us, or in our articles in the media, should be construed to mean or imply that offshore voyaging is anything other than potentially hazardous. Dangers such as, but not limited to, extreme weather, cold, ice, lack of help or assistance, gear failure, grounding, and falling overboard could injure or kill you and wreck your boat. Decisions such as, but not limited to, heading offshore, where you go, and how you equip your boat, are yours and yours alone. The information on this web site is based on what has worked for the authors in the past, but that does not mean it will work for you, or that it is the best, or even a good way for you to do things.
Hi All,
A couple of answers have come close, but so far no one has nailed it so I will leave it open for a few more days before revealing the answer.
Since no one got it quite right, here’s the answer.
I have also closed the comments to this tip. If you have thoughts, please comment on the answer tip.
looking for vampire power draw? The meter has an amp clamp around the pos or neg and looking for current draw from unsuspecting devices?
Stray currents? Meter between battery negative and main anode?
I am assuming the meter is in Volt measurement mode. Otherwise, knowing the author, he would have specify an Amp meter of an Ohm meter.
Must be looking at the battery posts (plus and minus) for voltage rise when disconnecting versus voltage drop when reconnecting to identify the load that does not have a breaker.
From the less than stellar history of that electrical system, probably just hunting for the end of a wire…
Looking for parasitic current draw with a volt meter, the meter would have to connected across the shunt resistor.
you are looking for a very small stray current maybe?
Looking for reactive loads?
Stray current in rig/bonding system. You are reading voltage from pos bus to various points on ground bus and then disconnecting loads to find stray current culprit?