A few years ago I got interested in efficient motorboats and wrote several articles on the subject. At the time there were almost none around, with the exception of the FPBs from our friends Steve and Linda Dashew that cost millions, and a first try from a budding designer in New Zealand that still cost more than most of us can afford, and since then his boats have got bigger and way more expensive.
Other than that the market was, and mostly is, all huge barge-like trawlers so inefficient that some 47-foot examples have 300 HP engines, and even with that power and horrendous fuel burn can’t get out of their own way.
But at last that seems to be changing, with two new efficient motorboat offerings. I will write about the other in another Tip, but check out the 32-footer from Pogo that can cruise all day at 10 knots and top out at 15 knots, driven by just 50 HP!
And all of this brand new for €130,000 (US$138,672).
Of course this is not an offshore boat, but totally fit for coastal cruising and staying aboard for a week or so while doing it.
They also make an outboard version and are promising a 40 footer.
While the mission is very different, the idea of focusing on doing one thing really well, while stripping away all unnecessary complication, is very like the Adventure 40—love it.
We need more of this kind of thinking.
Thanks to member Richard for the heads-up.