One thing John and I have learned over decades of planning long cruises to new places, is that we aren’t going to enjoy every harbour or anchorage we visit, despite how much time and energy we put into choosing where to stop.
For example, this summer we chose a certain destination as our furthest north in Southern Labrador. It’s a place that John has had an eye on visiting for the 25 years he’s been passing by this part of the coast. But it was a big disappointment. Sort of like kissing a frog when you were expecting a handsome prince.
But then, on our way back south, we ended up making an unplanned stop in Fox Harbour, as it was blowing a kahooey in Petty Harbour, our original destination.

And you know what? Fox Harbour turned out to be an unexpectedly wonderful stop! We went on a great walk to a stunning hilltop lookout, and we met a charming couple in the village who gave us fresh lettuce from their garden (if you’ve never cruised the North you won’t understand how precious a gift that was!).

The moral of this story? Don’t let a bad experience in a harbour/anchorage colour the way you approach the next harbour/anchorage, because the next place might just be the handsome prince(ss) you’ve been looking for!
A few more shots from Fox Harbour:

What’s a “kahooey”?
Is that on the Beaufort scale?
How did you find the frogs in Fox Harbor?
Best wishes,
Charles Starke MD FACP
s/v Dawnpiper
Hi Charles,
A Kahooey is force 8-1/2, soon to be added to the official scale I understand.
Kablooey, I know. When I was a kid we lived through two different hurricanes one in Louisiana and the other in Florida both were rated off the charts ergo, Kablooey. My cousin Dan was blown off a rig and swam twenty miles to shore bringing an injured buddy only to find out his buddy had died and his own back was broken. Someone wrote a screenplay, “Cheaper if They Die”.
Hi Bill-Martin,
Wow, that’s quite a story.
And yes, Kablooey is the next force up after Kahooey.
Just a delightful article! One of those wonderful early morning reads with a coffee. Thank you!
Dave & Patty McKay
s/v Skål
You’re welcome and thank you. What a lovely comment. It made my day.
I’m curious if you have ever visited Spotted Islands, Black Tickle, or Batteau-three outports south of Cartwright where I spend two summers working for the Quebec-Labrador Foundation.
Hi Bruce,
I already answered your question when you asked it on another post: https://www.morganscloud.com/2011/08/30/labrador-nunatsiavut/#comment-300724