While I’m not a fan of relying on tablets exclusively for navigation, on smaller boats like our new-to-us J/109 they can be a good option, at least in conjunction with a plotter.
However, the big problem can be how to charge a tablet and still keep it waterproof. The product pictured above solves that problem.
I’m planning to order one for next season.
On the same subject, here are:
- An experience-based chapter on choosing between a tablet, plotter and computer for navigation
- Things we must guard against when using a plotter for navigation
- Why tablets make great navigation backups when set up right
There is some interesting developments in new concepts of navigational systems for small crafts. An intriguing approach is the one Orca is developing (https://getorca.com), with a Core unit (integrating different sensors and acting like a display-less chartplotter) and a specifically developed tablet/display with some nice features (like wireless charging mount and high/low display brightness).
This looks like a well- thought-out system, and I am seriously tempted to go along this route.
Hi Svein,
Interesting indeed. I guess the display is a ruggedized tablet running Android. It will be interesting to see if they have addressed night vision well and of course we still have the worry, same as tablets, of relying in WiFi for all inputs so I would want to back it up, and use it with, a plotter: https://www.morganscloud.com/2019/08/27/12-electronic-navigation-tips-from-a-cruise-on-someone-elses-boat/
Check out Armor-X as well. Just getting a couple of them for FALKEN setup now. ArmorX have integrated mounting options too, it’s a nice system.
Hi Andy,
That looks like a nice option, except I could not find any of their systems that maintain water resistance while charging and for my usage that’s a requirement. Did I miss something?
Armor-x are good and we have used one for 4 years. But you have to match it carefully to your device, and my iPad version is no longer made … The soft touch point cover finally wore out but I repaired with ohp film and super glue and it seems fine.
No it is not waterproof whilst charging. But we have found we can work around that since iPad battery lasts well, and we do not use it for constant nav but for tight passages etc so durations typically 1 hour max.